Kids see money and credit cards all the time.  But do they know what they mean.  Parents make a huge impression on their children by how they use their money.  Take the time to have conversations with your children about money, God's view of money and stewardship. 


CLICK HERE for ideas, scriptures and foundational ideas

CLICK HERE for more ways to talk to your kids about money

Resources to use with KIDS & MOney

There are many resources you can use to help your children begin to think and learn about money. 

CLICK HERE for a box to help kids think about what to do with money. 

CLICK HERE for Financial Peace University Kids Lessons

CLICK HERE for the book Money Savvy Kids: Parenting Penny- Wise Kids in a Money Hungry World

If Not us, Then Who? Academy class for Parents

There are currently 7 different generations living in the world.  Each carries its own stereotype and judges other generations' values and priorities.  However, every generation has one thing in common... each one needs Jesus. Join us each week, as we focus on how the church can best respond and relate to generational differences and to be certain there will not be a Lost Generation.

CLICK HERE for a recording of Week 1.

CLICK HERE for a recording of Week 2.

        CLICK HERE for the Week 2 Class Handout

        CLICK HERE for the Technology Contract

CLICK HERE for a recording of Week 3.

CLICK HERE for a recording of Week 4.

CLICK HERE for a recording of Week 5.

CLICK HERE for a recording of Week 6



Can I have a cell phone or a tablet?  Parents hear this question a lot.  Be prepared to help your child when they take this next step.  When you give your child any type of technology - set up a contract with them.  Define the expectations & help them keep a balance with them



additional resources

Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. It provides help and resources for couples to build healthy marriages that reflect God’s design and for parents to raise their children according to morals and values grounded in biblical principles.

Family Life

FamilyLife's mission is to help people change the world one home at a time. Created on the principle that the family provides the foundation for society, the ministry offers a wide range of tools to help families become stronger.

Plugged In

Plugged In is a Focus on the Family publication designed to shine a light on the world of popular entertainment while giving families the essential tools they need to understand, navigate and impact the culture in which they live.
Proverbs 31 Ministries

A great resource for ladies to be inspired and encouraged in their faith.

Midnight Mom Devotional 

Devotions for the mom who is up in the middle of the night